Transition from Start Up to the Scale-Up phase
After numerous pivots, sleepless nights, start up life has survived the chaos and ambiguity of survival. It’s time to grow the business and scale it up. Scalability is the ability of a start up to grow. A scalable business can adapt to a larger workload without compromising performance or losing the revenue.
According to Hawkscode Softwares Pvt. Ltd, London, UK There are some points to prepare Start Up to Scale Up:-- At the early stage of start-up life, team members are likely to be comprised of people who do a little bit of everything. So in the scaling phase it’s time to turn your entire team with specialized roles, or restructuring your organization so employees can dive up responsibilities in a more effective way. This does not mean employees cannot be creative or take big ambitious projects. This is more of a encouraging big risk and creativity. – Hiring managers is crucial step in scaling up the business. Managers are the person who takes care of all the processes like reports, systems, and processes and empower their team to take big and interesting challenges. With effective managers in place, employees can spend more time doing core stuff, and less time worried about all the little things that have to get done to keep business running. It should be an 80/20 workforce with 80 employees and 20 people to coach them. – It can be from setting up marketing automation to setting up payroll for rapid processing or setting up training process for new hires. Even though it takes lot of time to automate on the front end but this activity will pay for itself in the long term. You’ll be able to access data faster, hire faster, market better, pay easier, and streamline operations for a truly scalable model.- Focus on marketing, and scalability will follow. Content marketing is one of the most scalable growth methods. Content marketing has evergreen value and making it the growth-hack method of choice for most Start Ups.- For big corporations, the name of the game is “in-house.” They’ve got in-house graphic designers, developers, conversion optimizers, SEOs, CPAs. Start ups can’t afford that luxury, and to be strong enough to grow, there will be a need to outsource all non-essential roles. This lean approach is what allows a start up to break into the big time. When you’re nailing it with core competencies, you’ll start to scale up.
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